Parks Week 2023 – Celebrating what’s been restored

27/02/2023 1:22am
Before and After shot of the work completed on Sir Stanley Whitehead Track.
Before and After shot of the work completed on Sir Stanley Whitehead Track.

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When Parks Week begins this Saturday, 4 March, almost all of our tracks and reserves that were damaged by the severe weather in August will have been fully repaired and reopened.

So, to celebrate Parks Week this year, we’ll be highlighting these reserves and acknowledging the months of hard work put in by staff and contractors to restore access to them for our community.  

We’ll be posting stories on Our Nelson, Facebook, and Antenno throughout Parks Week (4 – 12 March).  

And to kick things off, here are the latest track updates: 

Sir Stanley Whitehead Track  

Thanks to recent work by Kūmānu staff, Sir Stanley Whitehead Walkway from Walters Bluff through to the Centre of New Zealand is now open.   

Work to fix a 30m long slip that occurred during the severe weather event in August at the northern end of this trail was completed 17 February.   

Further up the track towards the Centre of New Zealand, contractors were able to protect properties from falling rock debris.   

A large boulder above Grove Street that dislodged during the severe weather was split into fragments using a jackhammer and removed away from properties.   

Maungatapu Track  

The Maungatapu Track is now open for walkers and mountain bikers only following works to protect exposed fibre optic cabling.   

Further significant works are required to make the track suitable for vehicles and motorbikes.   

A further full closure will be required in the future to allow these works to take place. 

Ronaki Track  

Work on the popular Ronaki Track on the Grampians will soon be complete. The track has been updated with new steps, drainage improvements, and path resealing.