Nelson is lucky to have some wonderful off-road paths for walkers and people on bikes and scooters to enjoy, including the new section along Annesbrook Drive.

As these become more popular it’s very important that we all share them with care.

The key things to remember are:

  • Keep left
  • Slow down
  • Warn people with your bell or a greeting when you approach
  • If you stop for a chat, move off the path
  • Keep your dog under control.

If you are using the path to walk your dog, as well as keeping it under control, you need to clean up after it too. Dog poo will ruin the experience of using a shared path for everyone!

If access to your driveway is across a shared path, you’ll need to be extra careful when pulling in and out. Please slow down and check in both directions for people using the path. You must be travelling slowly enough to stop quickly if needed.

Please show courtesy and consideration for others when you are out on one of Nelson’s shared paths so everyone can enjoy the experience.